We care, because we are in the business of caring.Fall planting season actually begins August 1st!
From restoring your summer stressed lawn to planting and preparing your site. So, why is August so good for your plants?
In the late summer, the warm soil, and the start of cooler nights encourages root growth and seed germination. Roots continue to grow through the winter until the ground freezes. There are also fewer insect, disease, and weed problems and more dependable rainfall.
By the time true fall, late-september, rolls around it is too late to re-seed your lawn.
Avoid "picked-through" spring dug plants in the summer with freshly dug nursery stock in September.
October is the time to plant spring flowering bulbs, and to transplant most trees and shrubs.
Chrysanthemums are a fall favorite as late bloomers in your garden. Generally planted in mid-September in a variety of colors.
Fall is about colorful fruiting trees and shrubs like Crabapples or Winterberry Holly that hold their fruit into the winter.
Purple fountain grass adds rich purple to a garden bed, and seeds from their feathery stalks attract birds.
Fall is for planting freshly dug Evergreen trees that maintain their appearance throughout the winter, and will provide a beautiful look in the winter.