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    Entries in July (20)


    Use Water Wisely

    We have the flexibility to deliver next day service! Water is necessary for good plant growth. Overwatering saturates pore space in the soil depriving plant roots of much needed oxygen. Overwatering effects plants, wastes water, and costs you money.

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    A Monthly Guide To Follow For 2022

    We listen and use a customer driven approach

    GLC Monthly Garden Calendar

    March-Parking lot and pavement sweeping, Leaf removal, Winter damage pruning, Tree pruning, Tree removal. Tree and shrub transplanting, Assess winter damage, and diagnosis problems.

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    Landscape For Your Children

    We have the ideas to get you started with the planning process!The goal is to get your kids interested in art and science, and give them as much space as you can to play, explore, and discover.

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