Design Idea: Add Function

The GLC staff is easy-going, friendly, and pleasant to work with!
What else do you want to accomplish? Besides the beauty and value your garden provides, consider these other uses to enhance your lifestyle:
- Add Herbs to the garden for the texture, and the fresh cut use for your dinner recipes.
- Add penennials suitable for cutting for indoor flower arrangments.
- Bird feeders, close enough to your kitchen, will attract birds for your morning coffee.
- Locate vegetables in your sunny flower gardens for fresh vegetables in the summer.
- Add evergreen shrubs to hide unsightly objects such as trash barrels or garages.
- Consider nightlighting to extend the time you spend outdoors.
- Locate a second bench or picnic table in an area with the best views and sun.
- Take yourself away to the country with a firepit area in a woodland garden.
- Instead of allowing your dog free run of the yard, fence off an area for plant preservation.
- Choose fruit trees, Blueberry bushes, or Grape vines in your garden.
- Divide your perennials and trade them with your friends to add variety and save money.
- Use a feeder or plants that attract Butterflies.
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