GLC Organic Products

We take a personal interest in your ideas, and value your trust in us!
Organic products are only effective over a period of time, and you may still need to supplement with chemical controls, but it is a safe satisfying way to solve some of your problems.
We supply North Country Organics Products. Simply put a healthy soil yields healthy plants. Healthy plants will minimize the amount of chemical treatments that may be needed.
Bug Buster 'O-This organic insecticide is made from natural pyrethrin. Use this product all year round, up to the day of harvest, to effectively control whiteflies, worms, caterpillars, aphids, and more.
Green Light Rose Defense-Greenlight Rose Defense for control of blackspot, powdery mildew, rust, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, and other pest on roses and other ornamentals. Made from neem oil.
Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil-
Controls scale insects, mealybugs, aphids, Red spider mites, Leafminers and many more pests. Works by smothering the insects.
Insecticidal Soap-This organic insecticide is made from natural pyrethrin. Use this product all year round to effectively control whiteflies, worms, caterpillars, aphids, and more.
GreenCure ® Fungicide-GreenCure® is a potassium bicarbonate-based fungicide that has been proven to cure and prevent powdery mildew, blackspot, blights, molds and other plant diseases.
Organic Garden Spray-These 4-in-1 formulas control a wide range of insects and diseases on Fruit Trees. Contains rotenone and pyrethrin for control of aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips, Japanese beetle, mites, box elder bugs, rose chafers, and other beetles. It also contains copper and sulfur to control scab, black spot, fire blight, rust, powdery mildew, stem blight, cedar apple rust, sooty blotch, brown rot, and several other diseases.
Milky Spore Grub Control-Milky Spore - A unique product that controls Japanese Beetles by infecting the larval stage with a virus that is specific to only Japanese Beetles.
Dewitt Weed Barriers-Control weeds in large areas with a fabric or paper that lets moisture through.
Corn Gulten Meal-Corn Gluten Meal s a granular weed control that is used on established lawns.
Herbicidal Soap-HERBICIDAL SOAP is a fast acting weed, algae, and moss killer. It is also a non-selective herbicide that controls many common annual weeds. It does not stain concrete, pavement, stucco, or wood. Area can be re-sown five days after treatment.
Horticultural Vinegar-For non-selective control of Broadleafed weeds.
Wilt-Pruf-Wilt Pruf plant protector is a proven anti-transpirant, that when applied once, will protect your plants all season against winter kill, windburn, drought, and transplant shock. Wilt-Pruf is a natural pine oil emulsion that is not damaged by freezing, will not solidify in storage, and is non-toxic to eyes and skin. Wilt-Pruf acts as a protective coating, holding in moisture on plant foliage and stems, substantially reducing water loss during periods of plant stress.
Pro Gro-Pro Gro (5-3-4) is a general purpose, slow-release organic fertilizer (North Country Organic) made of bone meal, rock phosphate, oyster shell, kelp meal, greensand, natural sulfate of potash/magnesia, vegetable protein meals, bone meal, natural nitrate of soda and fish meal.
Pro Holly-Pro Holly (4-6-4) An amendment-based plant food formulated to provide the high level of available phosphoric acid required by acid-loving plants. Use it on hollies, dogwoods, gardenias, marigolds, rhododendrons, azaleas, ferns, hydrangeas, pachysandras and other acid-loving plants. Derived from bone meal, cocoa shells, soya bean meal, phosphate rock, greensand, ammonium sulfate, super phosphate, sulfate of potash, cottonseed meal, leather tankage, chicken manure, animal waste, feather tankage and agricultural slag.
Neptune's Harvest Humate-is a liquid humate concentrate that contains vital elements for healthy soil, in an easy to apply liquid form. It provides a wealth of valuable plant elements, holds water in soil, feeds the living organisms in the soil, and releases locked-up nutrients for plant growth.
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