Keeping Our Prices Down

We try to reduce wasted timeYour property can lose value by cutting your landscaping budget too far!
There are ways we can limit your expenses by staying efficient, reducing wasted time, and working within your budget.
1. Landscape maintenance is weather sensitive. Following the weather will help you minimize your watering costs.
2. Review your lawn mowing schedule in a hot, dry summer for reducing weekly visits.
3. Look to reduce visits in the spring from three to two or in the fall from two to one.
4. Look to convert a small lawn into a perennial garden or ground cover bed eliminating the weekly lawn mowing service.
5. Reduce the square footage of your lawn to save on mowing expenses.
6. Monitor your landscape more often to spot a potential problem before it becomes a bigger expense.
7. Find an area to compost or dump your landscape debris. Dumping charges are becoming an ever increasing expense in our area.
8. Use our site to help better understand what programs and level of service is best for you.
9. Offer your suggestions. We'll give you our honest opinion.
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