Timing Common Insect and Diseases

We can help you properly solve your plant health problemsMarch-Snow mold disease on turf, Scale Insects.
April-Winter Moth Larvae, Dandelions, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Aphid.
May-Lily leaf beetle, Pine Sawfly Larvae, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Gypsy Moth, Broadleaf Lawn Weeds, Aphids, Lilac Borer, Apple Scab, Spittlebug, Cedar-Apple rust, Red Thread on turf, Pine Bark Adelgid Aphid, Leaf Minor
June-Boxwood Psyllid, Black Vine Weevil, Lace Bug, Azalea leaf gall, Anthracnose on Dogwood & Sycamore, Black Spot on Roses, Fireblight, Azalea Bark Scale, Powdery Mildew, White Grubs in turf, Bronze Birch Borer
July-Japanese Beetles, The Asian Longhorned Beetle is emerging now so be on the lookout for it. Chinch Bugs on turf, Aphids, Leaf Spots, Spider Mites, Scale, Mealy Bugs, Pine Needle Scale
August-Asiatic Garden beetles, Powdery Mildew, Eastern Tent Caterpillar
September-Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spots.
October-No other insects or diseases to report.
November-Look for Winter Moth Adults flying around outdoor lights for treatment in April.
Other damaging agents on trees-Air pollution, Compaction, Abuse, Neglect, Deer browsing, Frost injury, Hail Injury, Herbicide Injury, Salt Injury, Scorch, Wind damage, Woodpecker damage, Winter Injury and drought, Dryer and exhaust vents, Excessive mulch build-up, sun injury, and string trimmer damage.
At GLC we can evaluate your landscape through monitoring, use proper cultural practices, identify and assess potential hazards and treat problems with practical solutions.
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